NHS Health Checks
If you are aged between 40 to 74 and you do not have any pre-existing health conditions and you have not the NHS Health Check in the last 5 years you are entitled to an NHS Health Check. This consists of taking your height, weight, answering a health questionnaire and a blood test. This is then reviewed by one of our clinicians and you are given health advice to try and reduce the risk of having a heart attack or stroke in the next 10 years.
Joint Injections and Dermatology Lesions
We have a specialist GP on site to offer diagnostic and therapeutic management of both skin lesions and joint problems here at York Road Surgery thus bypassing the hospital waiting lists. Appointments are by doctor's referral only.
Diabetic Clinic
This service is run by our specially trained nurse and GP specialist and aims to provide you with an excellent service for diabetic patients. It is by appointment only. You will be contacted by phone or letter inviting you to an annual diabetic appointment. However, if you feel you need a diabetic check-up before your annual review is due, please ring the surgery for advice.
Ear Care Clinic
Our ear care clinic is run by our practice nurse who has undertaken specialist training to diagnose and treat minor ear problems. whether that be wax removal or treatment for infections.
COPD/Asthma Clinic
We offer continuous care to our patients with a diagnosis of either COPD or Asthma. These patients will be monitored throughout the year and given advise on guidance on how to keep well with inhaler techniques and referred onto the specialist service if and when necessary.
Mental Health
The practice has our own mental health practitioner who comes into practice on a weekly basis. If you are struggling with symptoms of low mood, stress or anxiety please contact the surgery and arrange an appointment with our mental health practitioner, she will offer support and guidance on how to manage your symptoms. She can also sign post to other services who may help with diagnosis and management of your illness.
The surgery holds antenatal clinics for our expectant mothers on a weekly basis. The midwife works from the surgery every Monday. If you have recently found out that your pregnant, please contact the surgery for a midwife referral.
Contraception Advise & Treatment
We offer a free contraception advice and treatment service. We ask that all patient who are currently taking contraception be reviewed at least once a year in surgery, to ensure that your BP is stable and to discuss any changes that may be necessary.
Childhood Immunisations Programme
The surgery runs a childhood vaccination clinic every Wednesday morning. We encourage all our parents and guardians to consider vaccinating their children to ensure they are protected from a wide range of infectious diseases. If you have any concerns relating to vaccinations or wish to have further information on the vaccines we provide as part of the national childhood vaccination programme, contact a member of staff and request a call back from our practice nurse, who can discuss any queries or worries you may have. We are currently waiting for some information letters to be created and shared with our non-English speaking patients. Contact a member of staff for further details.
Healthier Together
This website provides pregnant women, babies, children and young people across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw with consistent and high-quality advice from local health professionals.
You'll find clear information on common childhood illnesses, including advice on what 'red-flag' signs to look out for, where to seek help if required and how long your child's symptoms are likely to last.
Healthier Together is a partnership project which continues to grow by putting children, young people and family’s needs at the heart of the website.
Please visit https://sybhealthiertogether.nhs.uk/ to find out more information
Social Prescribing Service
We have a social prescriber who works from the practice on a Friday. Social Prescribers are not medically trained and are not Social Workers. Their role is to address non-clinical issues by helping people to access voluntary and community activities and services. Social Prescribers assess individual needs, typically offering people a variety of practical, social and emotional support, written into an agreed support plan for each service user. Please visit the health and advise section via our website for further information on the service.