The Practice wants to communicate better with our patients to ensure that we always meet the Accessible Information Standard. This will allow the practice to identify those patients that may need extra help from the staff, adaptations to correspondence sent to patients, methods of communication, accessing external assistance. In order for the practice to understand patients’ needs we need you to tell us what changes you require?
Once we are aware of the changes your required we will endeavour to implements them as soon as possible to ensure we meet your needs. An alert will be placed on your clinical records to ensure all staff members are prompted and are able to respond correctly to your requirements.
Therefore we need to make sure you can read and understand the information we send you. If you find it hard to read our letters, and need the information in braille, large print or easy read please let us know, this can then be entered on your records and the correct format sent to you.
If you need someone to support you at appointments, a British Sign Language Interpreter / advocate or support for those hard of hearing or deaf, either to via lip reading or the use of hearing aid / communication tools please let us know so we can arrange for this within the practice.
The practice is committed to helping all our patients receive the best treatment and experience when accessing our services. So please inform us when you arrive for your next appointment or when you next visit the practice to allow us to make these changes for you.
See below for our practice boundary.